Confidentiality when Working with A Criminal Defense Attorney
When you are facing criminal charges, you probably don’t want the details of your case or charges discussed in public. These are very personal matters that you typically only share with close family or friends. However, hiring a criminal defense attorney can greatly improve the outcome of your case. Since you probably do not know a criminal defense attorney personally that you can hire, it is important to understand how confidentiality will factor into your professional relationship with them.
Honesty About Your Charges
Because any criminal defense attorney that you hire will be tasked with representing you and presenting your case in court, they need to know all details about your charges and case. In your meetings and discussions with a criminal defense attorney, you need to be completely honest about your charges and any details and facts you remember about what happened. Make sure that you hire a defense attorney that you trust and don’t feel judged by when you share these things.
Contract With Your Attorney
You will be hiring a criminal defense attorney, so both you and the attorney will sign a contract. If you are concerned about confidentiality, discuss this beforehand with your attorney and make sure this is addressed in the contract. Contracts are legally binding, so your attorney must abide by whatever confidentiality terms you both agree on in the contract. In the case of breached confidentiality, there should also be language explaining the repercussions of any infractions concerning things in the contract.
Chance to Write a Review
Your confidentiality should always be respected, no matter what charges you are facing. While still respecting your confidentiality, you can share your honest thoughts about your criminal defense attorney in a written review. Without getting into the details of your case or charges, you can write truthfully about your experience working with your criminal defense attorney. You will never be forced into writing a review.
Reviews for criminal defense attorneys are great resources for other people searching for help. People who are looking for a trustworthy attorney can read reviews and better evaluate if they will be a good fit for them. If you are looking for a great criminal defense attorney for yourself or a loved one now, reviews are a great way to assess different attorneys.
To read reviews from real clients like yourself, check out Dave Clark Law’s website here today.